Monday, February 05, 2007

Principles of design

John Rosbottom recently wrote:

"For the last few decades I've been saying that "computers program people" and what I mean by this is that what we do with computers tends to be circumscribed by the software tools we know. Insidiously the way we design can become similarly circumscribed, so it is quite important for us to have a good range of flexible, powerful tools. Anyway back to design. I find Braun's 10 principles make a good guide:

1. Good design is innovative
2. Good design enhances the usefulness of a product
3. Good design is aesthetic
4. Good design displays the logical structure of a product; its formfollows its function
5. Good design is unobtrusive
6. Good design is honest
7. Good design is enduring
8. Good design is consistent right to the details
9. Good design is ecologically conscious
10. Good design is minimal design"

which is very useful, and a considerably more comprehensive specification than my current shorthand, which is that e-learning design should be:

Elegant, rich and delightful

Though I like to think the two versions of the design spec. are similar in spirit.


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